Si bien la mayoría de las bandas ya las conocía, el sello independiente alemán AF Music no deja de sorprenderme! En este compilado lo mejor del panorama internacional dentro del Post Punk, Gothic Rock y Darkwave, Bandas Producidas y/o promovidas por ellos mismos durante el 2012. Son 28 tracks... . Recomendable!!!
Quintessenz 2012 (compilado)
01.Golden Apes - Devil
02.Grooving In Green - Stranglehold
03.Red Sun Revival - My Child
04.The Eternal Fall - Salvation
05.Ending The Vicious Cycle - 1000 Words - Angels Of Liberty Mix
06.The Last Cry - Falling Away
07.Brotherhood - Shame
08.Aeon Sable - Dancefloor Satellite (Album Edit)
09.Tiny Boys - Persian Punk
10.Lotus Feed - Home Of The Watchmen
11.Dystopian Society - Last Crusade
12.Dead United - Be Afraid Of The Night
13.Les Modules Etranges - 過労死
14.Siiiii - Over
15.We Came From Waters - Maze
16.Monument - Teeth and Tails
17.Scofferlane - All Because Of Us
18.Voyvoda - Hanuma / Ханъма
19.Cauda Pavonis - Terror in the Nursery (Resurgence Version)
20.Uni_Form - 1984
21.The Search - Staring Into A Screen
22.A Rainy Day In Bergen - It Has Left
23.Emerald Park - A Beautiful Mourning
24.Radio DCS - Little Stitch
25.DeStijl - Serial Immortality (Part 4)
26.(((S))) - Swimming In Lava
27.AlterRed - And We Disappear
28.Sharon Next - Der Hase (Faderhead Remix)
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